Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Auditory Dedication

1st Samuel 3:10

Merely because I have attentively and earnestly heeded one aspect of divine communication does not imply that I will heed every utterance from Him. I demonstrate my deficiency in affection and reverence towards God through the callousness of my emotions and thoughts towards His teachings. If I have a deep affection for my friend, I will naturally comprehend his desires without conscious effort. Jesus proclaimed, "You are My companions..." The reference is from John 15:14. Have I violated any of my Lord's commands this week? Had I been aware that it was a directive from Jesus, I would not have intentionally defied it. However, the majority of us demonstrate a remarkable lack of reverence for God due to our failure to perceive His presence. His words were essentially meaningless and had no impact on us whatsoever.

The objective of my spiritual existence is to attain a state of profound connection with Jesus Christ, wherein I am always attuned to God's voice and assured of His attentive response to my prayers (see to John 11:41). Through my unification with Jesus Christ, I am always attuned to God's voice through the practice of devout listening. A flower, a tree, or a devotee of God can serve as a medium for delivering God's word to me. The obstacle preventing me from hearing is my focus on other matters. I am not lacking the desire to perceive God's voice, rather, I am not wholeheartedly committed to the appropriate aspects of my life. I am deeply committed to various pursuits, including service and my own beliefs. Although God may express His thoughts freely, I am unable to perceive His messages. A child of God should consistently adopt the attitude of receptiveness and obedience, saying, "Speak, for Your servant hears." If I have not cultivated and fostered this dedication to listening, I can only perceive God's voice intermittently. Occasionally, I become oblivious to His presence because my focus is directed towards other matters—matters that I believe are necessary for me to accomplish. This does not align with the principles and values of leading a life in accordance with the teachings of God. Have you perceived the auditory manifestation of God's communication today?

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Are You Actively Attuning To Perceive and Comprehend Divine Communication?

Exodus 20:19

We do not intentionally and purposefully defy God— we merely fail to heed His guidance. We disregard God's commands not out of deliberate defiance, but due to a lack of genuine love and reverence towards Him. "If you have affection for Me, adhere to My instructions" (John 14:15). Upon recognizing our perpetual display of contempt towards God, we will experience a profound sense of shame and humiliation for our disregard of Him.

"You communicate with us, but do not allow God to communicate with us." Our lack of love for God is evident when we choose to prioritize the words of His servants over His own. We have a preference for hearing human testimonies, but we do not desire direct communication from God Himself. What is the reason for our intense fear when it comes to receiving communication from God? We understand that when God communicates, we are obligated to either comply with His requests or explicitly refuse to follow. However, when we perceive the speaker as merely a subordinate of God, we tend to view obedience as a choice rather than a necessity. We acknowledge your statement, but it is important to note that it is merely your subjective perspective. However, I do not refute the possibility that your statement aligns with an absolute reality.

Do I consistently demean God by disregarding Him, while He affectionately persists in regarding me as His offspring? Upon finally perceiving His voice, the shame that I have inflicted upon Him rebounds back to me. My subsequent reply is, "Lord, why was I displaying such insensitivity and stubbornness?" Upon hearing God, this outcome is invariably manifested. However, our genuine pleasure in eventually listening to Him is dampened by the embarrassment we experience for having taken such a considerable amount of time to do so.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Is Your Perception of God Impaired?

Isaiah 40:26

During Isaiah's day, the individuals who belonged to God had impaired their cognitive capacity to perceive God due to their fixation on worshipping idols. Isaiah directed their attention towards the sky, prompting them to engage their cognitive abilities and imagine accurately. As offspring of the divine, we possess an immense wealth inside the natural world and will come to recognize its inherent sanctity. If we open our minds and utilize our perception to envision, we shall perceive God's presence in the gentle breeze, the dawning and setting of the sun, the clouds above, the blossoming flowers, and the withering leaves.

The true measure of spiritual concentration is in one's ability to exert control over the mind and thoughts. Is your attention fixated on the visage of an idol? Are you the idol? Is this your occupation? Is it your conception of the ideal characteristics of a servant, or perhaps your personal encounter with redemption and spiritual purification? If that is the case, then your capacity to perceive God is obstructed. You will experience a state of powerlessness when confronted with challenges and will be compelled to persevere in a state of darkness. If your ability to perceive has been obstructed, refrain from reflecting on your own encounters, but instead direct your attention towards God. You require the presence of God.

Transcend your limitations and distance yourself from the influence of your idols and any other factors that have been obstructing your critical thinking. Rise and acknowledge the scorn that Isaiah directed at his people, and consciously redirect your thoughts and gaze towards God.

Our diminished ability to imagine is one of the factors contributing to our feeling of futility in praying.

We are unable to conceive of intentionally placing ourselves in front of God any longer. Being broken bread and poured-out wine in the realm of intercession holds greater significance than in our individual interactions with others.

The ability to visualize is a divine gift bestowed to a saint, enabling them to transcend their own limitations and establish meaningful connections that were before unknown to them.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Price of Sanctification

1st Thessalonians 5:23

When we engage in prayer, beseeching God to sanctify us, do we possess the readiness to meet the true requirements of such a request? We underestimate the significance of the term sanctification. Are we ready to bear the expense of achieving sanctification? The cost will include a profound limitation on all our worldly preoccupations, and a comprehensive cultivation of all our spiritual preoccupations. Sanctification refers to the state of being deeply committed to perceiving the world from God's perspective. To consecrate oneself entails dedicating and preserving all the physical, emotional, and spiritual energy exclusively for the divine purpose of God. Are we truly ready for God to manifest within us all that He has set us apart for? Once He has completed His task, are we then ready to devote ourselves to God in the same manner as Jesus did? "I consecrate myself for their benefit..." The reference is to John 17:19. The lack of understanding of sanctification from God's perspective is the reason why some of us have not yet experienced it. Sanctification refers to the process of becoming united with Jesus, allowing His nature to govern and influence our own. Do we possess adequate readiness to handle the expenses associated with that? It will require the complete sacrifice of everything within us that is not aligned with God.

Are we adequately equipped to comprehend the complete significance of Paul's prayer in this verse? Are we ready to humbly request, "Lord, transform me into the highest degree of holiness possible, recognizing that I am a sinner who has been redeemed through your grace?" Jesus beseeched that we may achieve unity with Him, in the same manner that He is unified with the Father (see to John 17:21-23). The definitive manifestation of the Holy Spirit in an individual's existence is the undeniable resemblance to Jesus Christ, and the liberation from anything that does not resemble Him. Are we ready to distinguish ourselves for the divine influence of the Holy Spirit's actions within us?

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Spiritual Despondency

Luke 24:21

The facts all mentioned by the disciples were true, but the conclusions they made were not. Anything that even remotely suggests spiritual despair is always incorrect. It is not God or anybody else's fault if I am melancholy or troubled. One of two things can cause dejection: either my lust has been satiated or it hasn't been. Dejection is the outcome in both situations. Lust signifies "I have to have it now." I demand a response from God out of spiritual lust rather than going to God directly for the solution. What have I been expecting God to accomplish? Is it "the third day" and He hasn't fulfilled my expectations as of yet? Is it then acceptable for me to be depressed and to hold God responsible? We are going astray whenever we demand that God answer our prayers. Reaching out to God, not the solution, is the aim of prayer. Being depressed is incompatible with physical well-being, as depression is an indicator of illness. Spiritually, this is also true. Spiritual dejection is wrong, and we are always to blame.

To witness God's power, we wait for heavenly sights and earth-shattering incidents. We are proof that we do this even in our dejection. However, we are constantly unaware of God's hand at work in the people and situations in our lives. We will see Him if we will simply obey and complete the duty that He has assigned to us. Finding out that we recognize the great Godhead of Jesus Christ in the ordinary things of life is one of the most astounding revelations from God.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Are You Prepared To Be Completely Devoted and Sacrificed As An Offering? (2)

2nd Timothy 4:6

Are you prepared to be completely expended as a sacrificial offering? It is a deliberate choice based on your volition, not influenced by your emotions. Declare your willingness to be consecrated as an offering to God. Embrace the repercussions that arise, without expressing discontent, regardless of the circumstances that God may bestow upon you. God subjects you to a personal situation, in which no other individual can offer assistance. Externally, your life may seem unchanged, yet the transformation is occurring within your volition. After undergoing a personal crisis, you will no longer be concerned about the financial implications when it starts to impact you outside. Failure to address God at the level of your volition initially will only elicit self-pity as a consequence.

Fasten the offering securely to the protruding parts of the altar using ropes. To undergo the process symbolized by the altar, you must be prepared to endure the fire and willingly embrace the burning, purification, and separation it signifies. This process serves the only aim of eliminating any desires or affections that are not rooted in or focused on God. However, it is not you who eliminates it, but rather God.

Ensure that you firmly attach the offering to the protruding parts of the altar and make a conscious effort to avoid indulging in feelings of self-pity once the combustion process commences. Once you have endured the ordeal of the fire, no external force will have the power to disturb or sadden you. Upon encountering another crisis, you will come to the realization that you are no longer affected by things in the same manner as before. What future challenges or obstacles do you anticipate encountering in your life?

Express your willingness to be completely devoted to God, and He will demonstrate that He possesses all the qualities and fulfills all the expectations you have ever had of Him.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Are You Prepared To Be Completely Devoted and Sacrificed As An Offering?

Philippians 2:17

If I am being offered as a libation in conjunction with the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am pleased and find joy in the company of all of you. Philippians 2:17

Are you prepared to selflessly devote your life to the service and advancement of another believer's work, to wholeheartedly dedicate yourself to the ministry and faith of others? Alternatively, do you express reluctance, stating, "I am currently unwilling to fully devote myself, and I am resistant to receiving divine guidance on how to fulfill my duty to God." I desire to personally select the location for my self-sacrifice. I desire to be observed by specific individuals who will acknowledge my accomplishments with praise.

Adhering to God's path of service may be easier if one is esteemed as a hero, but it becomes significantly more challenging when God's plan necessitates assuming a submissive role, akin to becoming a "doormat" beneath the feet of others. Perhaps God's intention is to instruct you in the art of humbling oneself... The reference is Philippians 4:12. Are you prepared to undergo a sacrifice similar to that? Are you prepared to become insignificantly minuscule, to the extent that no one recollects your existence, even while contemplating people whom you have assisted? Are you prepared to offer yourself selflessly and completely, without seeking personal gain or assistance, but rather to serve others? Certain saints are unable to perform humble tasks while keeping a saintly demeanor, as they perceive such service to be beneath their sense of worth.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Call’s Powerful Attraction

1st Corinthians 9:16

Take care not to ignore God's summons. It is required of every redeemed person to bear witness to their own salvation. That is only an example that can be utilized when preaching; it is not the same as the call to preach. Paul was speaking of the searing pains that the call to proclaim the gospel had caused him to experience in this passage. Never attempt to apply what Paul spoke regarding the obligation to preach to people who are calling people to salvation from God. Since salvation is all God's sovereign act, there is nothing simpler than it: "Look to Me, and be saved." (Isaiah 45:22). Never does our Lord set the same requirements for salvation as he does for discipleship. We are destined for redemption via Christ's Cross. However, discipleship comes with a choice: "If someone... (Luke 14:26).

Paul talks about how we are made into servants of Jesus Christ and that no one ever asks for our permission to do or go where we do. To please Himself, God makes us into shattered bread and poured-out wine. Hearing God's call is what it means to be "separated to the gospel" (Romans 1:1). A suffering that is worthy of the name of Christ is produced once someone starts to heed that summons. All aspirations, all lifelong desires, and all perspectives are abruptly erased and destroyed. There is only one item left: "...separated to the gospel." When that call comes to a soul, woe be to anyone who attempts to follow any other path. The mission of the Bible Training College is to help each of you determine whether God has a man or woman here who genuinely cares about sharing the gospel and to discover if God has called you for this work. Once you feel the call of God, be wary of other calls.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Divine Summons

1st Corinthians 1:17

Paul asserts that the divine summons is to proclaim the gospel. However, it is important to bear in mind the specific definition that Paul assigns to "the gospel," which refers to the actual process of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our preaching is focused on emphasizing sanctification as the ultimate objective. Paul use personal experiences solely as illustrative examples, rather than as conclusive evidence. Our duty is not to speak about salvation or sanctification, but rather to exalt Jesus Christ (see to John 12:32). It is unjust to claim that Jesus Christ worked to redeem me and make me a saint. Jesus Christ worked diligently to achieve redemption for the entire world and to present it in a state of complete restoration and perfection before God's throne. The manifestation of redemption by our ability to undergo it demonstrates the potency of its existence, however this experience is an incidental outcome rather than the primary objective of redemption. Were God to possess human form, He would undoubtedly get weary of the incessant pleas we make for our deliverance and spiritual purification. We constantly impose demands on His efforts throughout the day, seeking personal favors or seeking liberation from undesirable circumstances. Once we grasp the fundamental essence of the message of God, we will cease to trouble Him with little personal grievances.

Paul's sole fervor in life was to disseminate the word of God. He embraced heartache, disillusionment, and adversity just because they reinforced his unwavering commitment to the message of God.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Are You Able to Perceive Your True Calling?

Romans 1:1

Our primary vocation is not to be individuals who are morally pure, but rather to be messengers who proclaim the good news of God. The crucial aspect is the acknowledgment of the gospel of God as the enduring truth. Reality does not consist on human virtue, holiness, paradise, or hell. Rather, it is characterized by redemption. The imperative to comprehend this is the utmost essential requirement of the Christian laborer in the present era. As employees, we must become accustomed to the realization that redemption is the sole truth. Personal sanctity is a consequence of salvation, rather than its origin. If we place our reliance in human goodness we shall go under when trial arrives.

Paul did not claim personal agency in his separation, but rather attributed everything to God, stating "when it pleased God, who separated me..." The reference is to Galatians 1:15. Paul had a limited fascination with his own character. Only by directing our attention on our individual sanctity can we remain distant from the complete actualization of redemption. Christian workers fail when they prioritize their personal pursuit of purity over their pursuit of knowing God. "I refuse to face the harsh truth of redemption for the repulsive aspects of human existence that I am currently surrounded by. Instead, I desire any action that God can take to enhance my self-worth." Speaking in such a manner indicates that I have yet to experience the profound impact of the gospel of God on my life. There is no audacious disregard for God in it. Divine intervention is unattainable as long as my focus remains solely on my personal attributes. Paul lacked self-awareness. He was completely and fearlessly devoted, fully committed, and chosen by God for a specific mission— to spread the message of God's gospel (see to Romans 9:3).

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Predicament of Obedience

1 Samuel 3:15

Divine communication seldom occurs in grandiose forms, but rather in subtle ways that are prone to misinterpretation. Subsequently, we inquire, "Could that be the voice of God?" Isaiah stated that the Lord communicated with him by the forceful influence of his circumstances, referred to as "a strong hand" (Isaiah 8:11). Our lives are only affected by God Himself, and nothing else. Are we able to perceive His influence, or do we view events as mere happenstances?

Develop the practice of uttering the words, "Communicate, Almighty," and existence will transform into a tale of love and adventure (1 Samuel 3:9). Whenever you feel overwhelmed by your surroundings, utter the words, "Speak, Lord," and allocate a period of time to attentively listen. Chastening serves a purpose beyond discipline; its aim is to get me to utter the words, "Speak, Lord." Recall a moment in your past when you experienced direct communication from God. Can you recall the exact words spoken by Him? Was it Luke 11:13, or was it 1 Thessalonians 5:23? As we engage in active listening, our auditory perception becomes heightened, akin to Jesus, enabling us to perceive God's presence consistently.

Should I disclose to my acquaintance "Eli" the divine revelations that have been shown to me? This is the point at which the predicament of obedience confronts us. We defy God by assuming the role of inexperienced deities and believing that we must protect 'Eli,' who symbolizes the most virtuous individuals we are acquainted with. Samuel was not instructed by God to convey the message to Eli; he had to make that decision independently. Receiving God's word may cause emotional pain for your loved one, but attempting to shield them from suffering will create a barrier between your spiritual self and God. By taking action to save someone's right hand from being severed or their right eye from being forcibly removed, you assume the responsibility and the consequences associated with such intervention. This concept is derived from the biblical passage in Matthew 5:29-30.

Do not seek guidance from others over matters that God has entrusted to your own judgment. When seeking guidance, you will consistently align yourself with Satan. "...I did not immediately consult with other individuals..." The reference is to Galatians 1:16.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

How Can Someone Display Such A Profound Lack of Knowledge and Understanding?

Acts 26:15

“The Lord communicated to me in a powerful manner...” The reference is Isaiah 8:11. There is no way to avoid the consequences when our Lord communicates. He consistently arrives with his authoritative presence and firmly grasps our comprehension. Have you received direct divine revelation? If it has occurred, you cannot overlook the profound and persistent manner in which it has communicated with you. Divine communication occurs in the language that is most familiar to you— not through auditory perception, but rather through the circumstances that surround you.

God must dismantle our unwavering faith in our personal beliefs. When we confidently assert, “I am aware of what I ought to do,” we are abruptly confronted with the overpowering voice of God, which exposes the profound extent of our lack of knowledge. We demonstrate our lack of knowledge about Him in the manner in which we choose to devote ourselves to Him. We worship Jesus with a disposition that is contrary to His, and harm Him through our efforts to protect Him. We advocate His assertions with the malevolent essence of the devil; our utterances may appear acceptable, but the underlying disposition is that of a foe. “He reproached them and stated, ‘You are unaware of the nature of the spirit that resides within you.’” The reference is from Luke 9:55. The manifestation of our Lord’s essence in His disciples is elucidated in 1 Corinthians 13.

Have I been engaging in the persecution of Jesus by my fervent insistence on serving Him according to my own preferences? If I experience a sense of fulfilling my obligation, but also causing harm to Him in the course of doing so, I may confidently conclude that this was not my true duty. I will not aim to cultivate a submissive and reserved demeanor, but rather a sense of self-contentment. We assume that any disagreeable task is our responsibility. Does that have any resemblance to the essence of our divine ruler— “I take great pleasure in carrying out Your desires, O my God...” (Psalm 40:8).

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Make Room for the Presence of God

Galatians 1:15

As devout followers of God, it is imperative that we cultivate the ability to create space for Him in our lives— to grant God the necessary freedom and flexibility. We meticulously plan, calculate, and anticipate specific outcomes, yet we neglect to allow space for God to intervene according to His own will. Could we experience astonishment if God were to manifest Himself in our gathering or during our sermon in a manner that deviates from our anticipated expectations? Avoid seeking God's arrival in a specific manner, but actively seek His presence. To create space for Him, one must anticipate His arrival, without specifying the manner in which He will appear. Regardless of our familiarity with God, the crucial lesson to grasp is that He has the potential to intervene unexpectedly at any given moment. We often disregard the element of surprise, while God consistently operates in no other manner. Unexpectedly, God intersects with our existence at a time of His choosing.

Maintain a perpetual connection with God in your life, enabling His remarkable power to manifest unexpectedly at any given moment. Maintain a perpetual attitude of anticipation, allowing space for God to intervene according to His own discretion.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

God’s All-Powerful Intent

Acts 26:16

Paul experienced a vision while traveling to Damascus, but it was more than just a fleeting emotional experience; it contained very specific instructions for him. In Acts 26:19, Paul said, "I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision." "Your whole life is to be overpowered or subdued by Me; you are to have no end, no aim, and no purpose but Mine," Our Lord essentially told Paul. "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go," the Lord further declares to us. (John 15:16).

If we are spiritual beings at all, we get visions of what Jesus wants us to be when we are born again. It is imperative that I acquire the skill of not being "disobedient to the heavenly vision" or questioning its attainability. Merely acknowledging that God has redeemed the world or even knowing that the Holy Spirit has the power to bring all that Jesus accomplished into my life is insufficient. I have to be on the basis of a close relationship with Him. Paul did not receive a doctrine or a message to preach. He was introduced to Jesus Christ in a dramatic, intimate, and powerful way. Acts 26:16, which promises to "make you a minister and a witness," is incredibly powerful. If there were no personal relationship, there would be nothing. Paul's devotion was to a person, not an idea. He truly belonged to Jesus Christ. He lived for nothing else and saw nothing else. According to 1 Corinthians 2:2, "For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Metamorphosed Through Observation

2nd Corinthians 3:18

The most prominent attribute a Christian may demonstrate is an absolute transparency in the presence of God, enabling their life to serve as a reflection for others. Through the infusion of the Spirit, our beings undergo a profound metamorphosis, and as we contemplate the divine presence, we are transmuted into reflective surfaces. One can easily discern when someone has experienced the divine presence of the Lord, since their inner spirit perceives a reflection of the Lord's own nature. Be cautious of anything that could blemish or diminish the reflection within you. It is typically a positive thing that will leave a mark on it— something positive, although not the optimal choice.

Our foremost principle is to focus on maintaining a receptive attitude towards God in our lives. Set aside all other things, such as employment, clothing, and food. The multitude of tasks hinders our ability to focus on God. In order to remain connected with Him, it is essential to ensure that our lives are consistently imbued with spirituality. Allow external matters to fluctuate freely; permit others to critique us as they want; but, ensure that nothing obscures the existence that is concealed within Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Ensure that a fast-paced way of life does not disrupt the state of remaining steadfast in one's connection with Him. Enabling this is a straightforward task, but we must be cautious and take measures to prevent any negative consequences. One of the most challenging aspects of the Christian journey is acquiring the skill of consistently perceiving and appreciating the magnificence of the Lord, as if looking into a mirror.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Am I Seeking Guidance from God?

Isaiah 45:22

Do we anticipate divine intervention and salvation through God's blessings? He states, "Direct your gaze towards me, and experience deliverance...." The primary challenge in the realm of spirituality lies in maintaining focus on God, and it is the abundance of His blessings that intensifies this challenge. Difficulties often prompt us to turn to God, while His favors often distract us from focusing on Him. The fundamental teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is to concentrate and limit all of your concerns and priorities so that your thoughts, emotions, and physical actions are directed solely towards Jesus Christ. "Direct your gaze towards me...."

Most individuals had a preconceived notion of the ideal characteristics that a Christian should possess. However, when we compare this idealized image with the behavior and actions of other Christians, it sometimes obstructs our ability to direct our attention towards God. This does not constitute salvation— it lacks sufficient simplicity. Essentially, he asserts that by looking to him, one can achieve salvation, rather than implying that salvation will occur at some point in the future. If we focus our attention on Him, we shall discover the object of our search. Our attention diverts from God and we become impatient with Him, despite His persistent message to us: "Direct your gaze towards Me, and find salvation...." All of our challenges, hardships, and concerns about the future completely disappear when we turn to God.

Rouse yourself from sleep and direct your gaze towards God. Place your confidence in Him. Regardless of the multitude of challenges that may confront you, resolve to dismiss them and direct your focus towards Him. "Direct your gaze towards me...." You attain salvation instantly upon seeing.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

Optical Perception and Absence of Light

Genesis 15:12

Abram was overcome by a profound slumber as the sun descended, and he was suddenly gripped by a sense of terror and intense obscurity. Genesis 15:12

When God grants a vision to a Christian, it is akin to placing them in the protective shelter of His hand's shadow (Isaiah 49:2). The saint's obligation is to remain motionless and attentively listen. Excessive illumination might give rise to a metaphorical "darkness," which is the opportune moment to engage in attentive listening. The narrative of Abram and Hagar in Genesis 16 serves as a compelling illustration of heeding purportedly sound counsel amidst a period of obscurity, instead of patiently for divine illumination. When God bestows upon you a divine revelation and subsequently, a period of obscurity ensues, exercise patience. If you patiently abide by God's timing, He will manifest the vision He has bestowed upon you in your life. Do not attempt to assist in the fulfillment of God's message. Abram endured a period of thirteen years characterized by quiet, during which his self-reliance was completely dismantled. He surpassed the stage of depending on his own intuition. The years of silence were characterized by strict self-control, rather than being a manifestation of divine disapproval. There is no necessity to feign happiness and self-assurance; only rely on God and remain steadfast in Him (see to Isaiah 50:10-11).

Do I have any trust in the physical body? Have I acquired the ability to transcend any reliance on my own abilities and the trust I place in others who are connected to a higher power? Do I place my faith in literature and religious rituals, or do I find solace in other sources of happiness and fulfillment in my life? Or have I entrusted my faith in God Himself, rather than in His bestowed favors? "I am the omnipotent deity..."El-Shaddai is referred to as the All-Powerful God in Genesis 17:1. We are all being disciplined in order to ascertain the existence of God. Once we truly perceive the existence of God, human beings appear insignificant in comparison, becoming into mere illusions of reality. The individual who is firmly rooted in God remains unaffected by the actions or words of other saints.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

My Lord and My God

St John 20:28

"Jesus requested a beverage from her," The reference is from the book of John, chapter 4, verse 7. How many of us anticipate Jesus Christ to fulfill our desires, when we should be fulfilling His! We ought to dedicate our life wholeheartedly, devoting our entire selves, rather than relying on Him to fulfill our desires. "You will serve as testimonies to my existence..." (Acts 1:8). This entails leading lives characterized by unwavering and unrestricted dedication to the Lord Jesus, which will bring fulfillment to Him regardless of the places He may direct us to.

Exercise caution towards anything that challenges or undermines your unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ. The primary obstacle to genuine commitment to Jesus is the work we render on His behalf. Serving Him is a simpler task than fully dedicating our lives to Him. The objective of God's divine summons is to fulfill His contentment, rather than only expecting us to perform tasks on His behalf. We are not dispatched to engage in combat on behalf of God, but rather to be utilized by God in His conflicts. Do we prioritize service over our devotion to Jesus Christ Himself?

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Summoning of Primal Existence

Galatians 1:15-16

The divine summons does not include a certain manner of serving the Almighty. My direct experience with the divine essence will influence my comprehension of His divine summons and assist me in discerning my authentic aspirations to serve Him. The divine summons emanates from the inherent essence of God, while the subsequent actions and duties that manifest in my existence are congruent with my own inherent essence. The apostle Paul proclaimed the divine calling to live in harmony with nature, saying, "When it pleased God...to manifest His Son within me, so that I may proclaim Him [that is, sincerely and earnestly represent Him] among the non-Jewish people...."

Service is the abundant outpouring that emanates from a life brimming with love and dedication. However, properly speaking, there is no justification for such. I embody service in my relationships, which is a manifestation of my deep connection with the divine nature. Service seamlessly integrates into my daily existence. God establishes a harmonious connection between Himself and me, enabling me to comprehend His divine summons, and subsequently I willingly devote myself to His service driven by an unwavering affection. Service to God is the intentional act of offering love from a disposition that has recognized and responded to God's summons. Service is a manifestation of my inherent disposition, and God's summons is a manifestation of His inherent disposition. Thus, upon embracing His essence and heeding His summons, His celestial voice reverberates within both His essence and mine, merging the two into a unified being devoted to serving. The manifestation of the Son of God occurs within me, and as a result of my deep reverence for Him, service becomes an integral part of my daily existence.

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Ricardo McGee Ricardo McGee

The Divine Essence of Nature

Isaiah 6:8

I perceived the auditory manifestation of the divine being, proclaiming: "To whom shall I dispatch, and who will undertake the mission on behalf of our collective entity?" Isaiah 6:8

When discussing the divine summons, we frequently overlook the main aspect: the inherent characteristics of the One issuing the call. Various obligations and responsibilities are demanding our attention today. Certain calls will receive responses, while others will go unnoticed. The call is the manifestation of the inherent characteristics of the individual who initiates it, and our ability to perceive and acknowledge the call is contingent upon possessing those same characteristics within ourselves. The call of God is the manifestation of God's inherent essence, rather than our own. The threads of God's call are intricately woven through our lives by divine providence, and it is only our responsibility to discern them. Divine communication occurs when God directly addresses us regarding a certain matter, rendering it futile to solicit the viewpoints of others. We should maintain utmost confidentiality in our interactions with the divine summons, limiting them solely to ourselves and God.

The divine summons is independent of my inherent characteristics; my individual inclinations and disposition hold no significance. If I continue to focus solely on my own attributes and contemplate my aptitude, I will remain oblivious to the divine summons. However, once God establishes a proper connection between Himself and me, I will find myself in a state similar to that of Isaiah. Isaiah's profound connection with God was a result of the intense ordeal he had recently experienced, allowing him to deeply internalize God's calling. Most of us are only capable of perceiving our own voices. We are unable to perceive any auditory communication from God. However, being led to the point where we can perceive the divine summons results in a profound transformation.

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