Are You Prepared To Be Completely Devoted and Sacrificed As An Offering?

Philippians 2:17

If I am being offered as a libation in conjunction with the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am pleased and find joy in the company of all of you. Philippians 2:17

Are you prepared to selflessly devote your life to the service and advancement of another believer's work, to wholeheartedly dedicate yourself to the ministry and faith of others? Alternatively, do you express reluctance, stating, "I am currently unwilling to fully devote myself, and I am resistant to receiving divine guidance on how to fulfill my duty to God." I desire to personally select the location for my self-sacrifice. I desire to be observed by specific individuals who will acknowledge my accomplishments with praise.

Adhering to God's path of service may be easier if one is esteemed as a hero, but it becomes significantly more challenging when God's plan necessitates assuming a submissive role, akin to becoming a "doormat" beneath the feet of others. Perhaps God's intention is to instruct you in the art of humbling oneself... The reference is Philippians 4:12. Are you prepared to undergo a sacrifice similar to that? Are you prepared to become insignificantly minuscule, to the extent that no one recollects your existence, even while contemplating people whom you have assisted? Are you prepared to offer yourself selflessly and completely, without seeking personal gain or assistance, but rather to serve others? Certain saints are unable to perform humble tasks while keeping a saintly demeanor, as they perceive such service to be beneath their sense of worth.

Ricardo McGee

This individual is a highly motivated and divinely chosen individual who serves as a preacher, prophet, evangelist, teacher, activist, and creator of Messianic Ministries in the 21st century. An adept and charismatic young clergyman with a persuasive message. The individual possesses a range of roles and qualities, including being an intercessor, prayer warrior, marriage counselor, servant leader, armor bearer, and having exceptional ability to speak with practical relevance.

Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Church Ministry (2002) and graduated with Honors, distinguishing himself as one of the foremost leaders among his peers. The ministry has been accompanied by numerous signs and wonders, which have occurred as a direct consequence of the proclamation of the Gospel and its acceptance via faith. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel extensively, including worldwide, thanks to the benevolence of God.

As an activist, he advocates for and takes action to bring about social, political, economic, and environmental reforms in order to create positive changes in societies. His activism encompasses various methods, including community organizing, lobbying elected authorities, and engaging in demonstrative activism at both local and international levels.

Are You Prepared To Be Completely Devoted and Sacrificed As An Offering? (2)


The Call’s Powerful Attraction