The Doctrine of the Church
We affirm that the Bible is the divine revelation and encompasses a unified and comprehensive framework of teachings. We affirm our unwavering belief in the complete divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. We firmly uphold the word of God as the one authority in all subjects and affirm that any doctrine must be considered indispensable only if it is supported by this word.
We have faith in God, the omnipotent Father, who is the originator and designer of all entities. The Old Testament presents several manifestations of God, showcasing His essence, attributes, and sovereignty. The Gospels in the New Testament provide us with insight into the divine connection between God and Jesus, referred to as the Godhead, where God is identified as the "Father" or "My Father," and Jesus is recognized as the Son (St. John 15:8, 14:20).
Jesus attributes the title of "Fatherhood" to God for all Christians when he elucidates God as "Your Father in Heaven" (St. Matthew 6:8).
We affirm the belief that Jesus Christ is the divine offspring of God, occupying the second position within the divine nature of the Trinity or Triune Godhead. According to our beliefs, Jesus is considered to be eternal both in His being and in the inception of creation, as stated in the Gospel of John 1:1. According to scripture (St Matthew 1:18), we hold the conviction that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin named Mary. This belief in the Virgin Birth is important to our faith and is supported by the event described in St Matthew 1:18-25. We hold the belief that Jesus Christ assumed the role of the "suffering servant" for humanity. This suffering servant aimed to save humanity from sin and restore their relationship with God, who is His Father (Romans 5:10). According to our belief, Jesus Christ currently serves as the intermediary between God and humanity, as stated in 1 Timothy 2:5.
The Holy Ghost, also known as the Holy Spirit, is considered to be the third member of the Trinity. It is thought that the Holy Ghost originates from both the Father and the Son, and shares the same essence, power, and glory. The Holy Ghost is to be acknowledged, followed, and revered alongside the Father and the Son. The Holy Ghost is a divine endowment granted to the believer, enhancing their ability to serve as a more impactful testimony in the world. The Holy Spirit instructs and directs individuals towards complete understanding and knowledge (John 16:13; Acts 1:8, 8:39).
We hold the belief that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is an event that occurs after conversion and sanctification. We also believe that speaking in tongues is the result of being baptized in the Holy Ghost, accompanied by the display of the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23, Acts 10:46, and Acts 19:1-6. According to our understanding, being baptized with the Holy Ghost does not guarantee salvation. This belief is supported by references such as Acts 19:1-6 and John 3:5. Upon receiving a baptismal experience, it is our belief that an individual will communicate using a language that is unfamiliar to them, as determined by the supreme authority of Christ. Being filled with the Spirit refers to being under the control and influence of the Spirit, as stated by Paul in Ephesians 5:18,19. Given that the charismatic demonstrations were crucial in facilitating the early church's effective execution of Christ's instruction, we firmly assert that a Holy Ghost encounter is obligatory for all believers in the present day.
It is our belief that humanity was divinely formed by God, consisting of a physical body, an immaterial soul, and a spiritual essence. We hold the belief that human beings are inherently evil and unholy. Due to the inherent sinful nature of human beings, it is necessary for them to undergo a process of spiritual rebirth. Purified and absolved of all transgressions via the sacrificial blood of Jesus. We hold the belief that salvation is attained through the act of openly admitting and renouncing one's transgressions, while also placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, once an individual has undergone a spiritual rebirth and been accepted into the divine lineage of OGd, they have the ability and responsibility to assert their entitlement to the privileges bestowed upon the offspring of God, specifically the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
According to the Bible, sin originated in the angelic realm (Ezekiel 28:11-19; Isaiah 14:12-20) and is passed on to humans via disobedience and deception caused by lack of belief (I Timothy 2:14). The sin of Adam, which was committed by consuming the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, resulted in the enduring contamination or corrupted human nature that is inherited by all his offspring. The term used to describe this concept is "original sin." Sin can be characterized as a deliberate violation of God's commands and a failure to align with God's desires. Hence, we deduce that humanity possesses an inherent inclination towards wrongdoing and has deviated from a condition of magnificence and moral uprightness in which we were originally fashioned, resulting in a state of unrighteousness and impurity. Consequently, it is imperative that we regain our original state of purity by undergoing a spiritual rebirth (St. John 3:7).
Salvation pertains to the implementation of the process of redemption for the sinner, resulting in the restoration of divine favor and the reestablishment of communion with God. The Holy Ghost brings about the redemption of sinners via repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This results in conversion, faith, justification, regeneration, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Repentance is a divine process that leads to a transformation of one's mindset toward their connection with God (St. Matthew 3:1-2, 4:17; Acts 20:21). Faith is a firm belief instilled in the heart by the Holy Spirit, regarding the veracity of the Gospel and a deep reliance on God's promises in Christ (Romans 1:17, 3:28; St. Matthew 9:22; Acts 26:18). Conversion is the divine action through which God prompts the reborn sinner, in their conscious existence, to sincerely repent and have confidence in Him (II Kings 5:15; II Chronicles 33:12,13; St. Luke 918; Acts 3:30). Regeneration is the divine process through which the fundamental essence of new life is instilled in humanity, the dominant inclination of the soul is sanctified, and the initial holy manifestation of this new inclination is ensured.
Sanctification refers to the ongoing and merciful work of the Holy Spirit, through which He frees the justified sinner from the contamination of sin, restores the entirety of one's being to reflect the likeness of God, and empowers the individual to engage in righteous actions (Romans 6:4, 5:6; Colossians 2:12, 3:1).
In the Bible, the term "angel" refers to celestial beings who serve as messengers or ambassadors of God. This is seen in passages such as Revelations 4:5, which highlights their role in praising God (Psalm 103:20), carrying out God's commands (St. Matthew 18:10), and beholding His presence. However, as Heaven is compelled to descend to the earthly realm, they also possess a purpose to fulfill on Earth. The Bible states that angels were present throughout the Creation and will also be present when Christ returns in His glorious form.
Demons are entities that represent impure or malevolent spirits. They are occasionally referred to as devils or demonic creatures. They are malevolent entities, associated with the intangible or metaphysical realm, manifested within human individuals. In the Old Testament, the prince of demons, sometimes known as Satan or Devil, is described as possessing both power and wisdom. It is said that he can assume other forms, such as the serpent mentioned in Genesis 3:1. In the New Testament, the Devil is referred to as the Tempter (Matthew 4:3). It further describes the actions of Satan, the Devil, and demons as opposing holiness and goodness in whatever manifestation, therefore acting as adversaries to the Christians. They primarily exert their influence to undermine the purpose of Jesus Christ's ministry. The Christian Church firmly upholds the existence of demons, Santa Claus, and devils. We think that they may be subjugated and conquered, as commanded to the believers by Jesus. "They will expel Santa and the Devil's influence in my name, and if you resist him, he will retreat from you" (Mark 16:17).
The Church constitutes a metaphysical unity in which Christ serves as the divine leader. It is animated by a single entity, namely the Spirit of Christ. One confesses a singular faith, shares a common hope, and serves a unified King. The citadel serves as the embodiment of truth and acts as God's medium for imparting all spiritual rewards to believers. The Church is the focus of our faith rather than our knowledge. The appellation of our ecclesiastical institution. The Messianic Ministry is substantiated by Isaiah 9:3-7 and other passages found in both the Old and New Testament scriptures. The term "CHURCH" or "EKKLESIA" was initially used to refer to the Christian community by Jesus Christ in St Matthew 16:18. This occurred during His blessing of Peter at Caesarea Philippi.
We affirm our belief in the imminent return of Jesus Christ, where He will descend from Heaven to earth in His physical and visible form (ACTS 1:11; Titus 2:11-13; St , Matthew 16:27, 24:30, 25:30; Luke 21:27; John 1:14, 17; Titus 2:11). Additionally, we hold that the Church, symbolized as the bride, will be taken up to meet Him in the atmosphere (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). We urge all individuals who possess this hope to cleanse themselves in the same manner as He, in a state of purity.
Messianic Ministries Inc adheres to and implements the principles of Divine Healing. Jesus issued a mandate to the apostles, as recorded in the Gospel of Mark 16:18. Jesus reinforces His teachings on healing by elucidating to His students, who were destined to become Apostles, that the act of restoring health to the afflicted is accomplished by unwavering belief (ST Luke 9:40-41). Hence, we assert that the act of being cured through one's belief in God possesses both biblical validation and authorized power. In his epistle, St. James urges the elders to engage in the act of praying for the sick, laying hands upon them, and anointing them with oil. He asserts that prayers accompanied by faith would result in the healing of the sick, and the Lord will restore them to health. The practice of healing is prevalent and regular in Messianic Ministries Inc, and the stories of healing in our Church serve as evidence of this reality.
Messianic Ministries Inc asserts that miracles provide as compelling evidence for the divine origin of the Bible. A miracle is an exceptional and observable display of supernatural power, brought about via the effective intervention of God's will, with the ultimate purpose of upholding the righteousness of God's Word. We hold the belief that the miraculous acts attributed to God, which took place in the early days of Christianity, continue to happen in the present time wherever the Gospel is preached, faith in Christ is practiced, the Holy Spirit is active, and the Gospel is proclaimed with accuracy and authenticity (Acts 5:15, 6:8, 9:40; Luke 4:36, 7:14,15, 5:5,6; St Mark 14:15).
It is widely acknowledged that in order for an ordinance to be considered valid, it must have been established by Christ. The term "Ordinances of the church" refers to the practices established by Christ, in which the grace of God in Christ and the benefits of the covenant of grace are symbolically represented, confirmed, and given to believers through tangible signs. These practices also serve as a way for believers to demonstrate their faith and loyalty to God. Messianic Ministries Inc acknowledges three ordinances that were established by Christ himself and are therefore obligatory in the practice of the church.
The sacrament of Holy Communion serves as a symbolic representation of the Lord's sacrificial death and suffering, undertaken on behalf of and in substitution for His followers. Additionally, it represents the believer's active involvement in the crucifixion of Christ. It symbolizes both the demise of Christ as the focal point of belief, which binds believers to Christ, and the impact of this action as the bestowal of vitality, vigor, and delight to the spirit. Through faith, the individual enters into a unique spiritual connection between their soul and the exalted Christ.
Foot washing is observed and acknowledged as a religious rite in our church. This practice is based on the belief that Christ's deed of humility exemplified true greatness in the Kingdom of God. It also signifies that serving others is a manifestation of humility, driven by love. These devices are used after the Lord's Supper, but their frequency is determined by the pastor in charge.
Water Baptism is deemed essential according to the instructions of Christ in St John 3:5, which states that one must be "born again of water and of the spirit" in order to be saved.
Nonetheless, we hold the view that water baptism in isolation is not a method of attaining salvation. Rather, it serves as a visible manifestation that an individual has already undergone a transformative encounter and has embraced Christ as their own personal Redeemer. As Pentecostals, we choose to perform immersion rather than sprinkling because immersion aligns more closely with the concepts of death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, as stated in COLOSSIANS 2:12. Furthermore, it represents rejuvenation and cleansing to a greater extent than any other method. Consequently, we employ immersion as our method of baptism. We advocate for the utilization of the baptismal formulas prescribed by Christ, which involve invoking the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, as stated in Matthew 28:19.