Are You Actively Attuning To Perceive and Comprehend Divine Communication?
Exodus 20:19
We do not intentionally and purposefully defy God— we merely fail to heed His guidance. We disregard God's commands not out of deliberate defiance, but due to a lack of genuine love and reverence towards Him. "If you have affection for Me, adhere to My instructions" (John 14:15). Upon recognizing our perpetual display of contempt towards God, we will experience a profound sense of shame and humiliation for our disregard of Him.
"You communicate with us, but do not allow God to communicate with us." Our lack of love for God is evident when we choose to prioritize the words of His servants over His own. We have a preference for hearing human testimonies, but we do not desire direct communication from God Himself. What is the reason for our intense fear when it comes to receiving communication from God? We understand that when God communicates, we are obligated to either comply with His requests or explicitly refuse to follow. However, when we perceive the speaker as merely a subordinate of God, we tend to view obedience as a choice rather than a necessity. We acknowledge your statement, but it is important to note that it is merely your subjective perspective. However, I do not refute the possibility that your statement aligns with an absolute reality.
Do I consistently demean God by disregarding Him, while He affectionately persists in regarding me as His offspring? Upon finally perceiving His voice, the shame that I have inflicted upon Him rebounds back to me. My subsequent reply is, "Lord, why was I displaying such insensitivity and stubbornness?" Upon hearing God, this outcome is invariably manifested. However, our genuine pleasure in eventually listening to Him is dampened by the embarrassment we experience for having taken such a considerable amount of time to do so.