Messianic Ministries

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Seclusion in the Presence of God

Mark 4:34

Our seclusion in His presence. Jesus does not consistently provide us with detailed explanations; rather, He imparts knowledge to us according to our capacity for comprehension. The experiences of others serve as models for us, nevertheless, it is incumbent upon us to scrutinize our own inner beings as per God's mandate. The process is laborious— to the extent that it requires an infinite amount of time for God to shape an individual to align with His intentions. Only after granting permission to God can we be utilized, as He reveals the profound and concealed aspects of our own character. Our lack of self-knowledge is quite remarkable! We often fail to acknowledge the presence of envy, sloth, or pride within ourselves when we observe it. However, Jesus will disclose to us all the things that we have harbored within prior to the commencement of His divine favor. How many of us have developed the bravery to introspect?

We must discard the notion that we possess a comprehensive understanding of ourselves. That is consistently the final remnants of one's dignity to dissipate. God is the sole entity that comprehends us. Pride is the most detrimental affliction in our spiritual existence. Once we get insight into our true nature as perceived by God, we shall no longer express feelings of unworthiness. We will comprehend that this is self-evident. However, as long as there remains any uncertainty regarding our worthiness, God will persist in isolating us until we are in solitude with Him. If there is any trace of vanity or conceit present, Jesus is unable to impart any knowledge to us. He will grant us the opportunity to undergo heartbreak or the disillusionment we experience when our intellectual arrogance is injured. He will expose several misguided loves or wants, things that we never anticipated He would need to confront us with privately. We are frequently presented with several things, often with little impact. However, as God isolates us from those individuals, their true intentions will become evident.