The Preeminence of Christ

St John 16:14

Contemporary holiness movements lack the authentic and challenging nature found in the New Testament. There is no aspect of their existence that necessitates the death of Jesus Christ. Only a pious atmosphere, prayer, and devotion are necessary. This particular encounter is not supernatural nor miraculous. It is not associated with the sorrows of God, nor does it bear the metaphorical representation of "the blood of the Lamb" (Revelation 12:11). The object in question lacks the Holy Spirit's endorsement and does not possess any visible indication that would elicit a profound and admiring response of "This is a creation of the omnipotent God!" However, the New Testament exclusively focuses on the divine actions and excludes any other subject matter.

The New Testament illustrates the Christian experience as one characterized by an individual's fervent and intimate commitment to the figure of Jesus Christ. All other forms of purported Christian encounters are disconnected from the individual of Jesus. Regeneration, or the process of being born again into the kingdom where Christ reigns supreme, does not exist. Our sole notion is that He serves as our exemplar. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is recognized as the Savior well in advance of being regarded as the exemplar. Today, he is depicted as the symbolic leader of a religion, serving as a basic illustration. He possesses the qualities mentioned, but He possesses an immeasurable amount of more qualities. He embodies salvation; He represents the message of God!

Jesus proclaimed, "...when the Spirit of truth arrives, He will exalt and honor Me..." The reference is from the Bible, specifically John 16:13-14. By fully embracing the revealed truth of the New Testament, I am bestowed with the divine gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift enables the Holy Spirit to elucidate the significance of Jesus' actions to me. The internal workings of the Holy Spirit replicate all the external actions performed by Jesus Christ on my behalf.

Ricardo McGee

This individual is a highly motivated and divinely chosen individual who serves as a preacher, prophet, evangelist, teacher, activist, and creator of Messianic Ministries in the 21st century. An adept and charismatic young clergyman with a persuasive message. The individual possesses a range of roles and qualities, including being an intercessor, prayer warrior, marriage counselor, servant leader, armor bearer, and having exceptional ability to speak with practical relevance.

Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Church Ministry (2002) and graduated with Honors, distinguishing himself as one of the foremost leaders among his peers. The ministry has been accompanied by numerous signs and wonders, which have occurred as a direct consequence of the proclamation of the Gospel and its acceptance via faith. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel extensively, including worldwide, thanks to the benevolence of God.

As an activist, he advocates for and takes action to bring about social, political, economic, and environmental reforms in order to create positive changes in societies. His activism encompasses various methods, including community organizing, lobbying elected authorities, and engaging in demonstrative activism at both local and international levels.

By the Grace of God


The Affluence of the Impoverished