Messianic Ministries

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Make Room for the Presence of God

Galatians 1:15

As devout followers of God, it is imperative that we cultivate the ability to create space for Him in our lives— to grant God the necessary freedom and flexibility. We meticulously plan, calculate, and anticipate specific outcomes, yet we neglect to allow space for God to intervene according to His own will. Could we experience astonishment if God were to manifest Himself in our gathering or during our sermon in a manner that deviates from our anticipated expectations? Avoid seeking God's arrival in a specific manner, but actively seek His presence. To create space for Him, one must anticipate His arrival, without specifying the manner in which He will appear. Regardless of our familiarity with God, the crucial lesson to grasp is that He has the potential to intervene unexpectedly at any given moment. We often disregard the element of surprise, while God consistently operates in no other manner. Unexpectedly, God intersects with our existence at a time of His choosing.

Maintain a perpetual connection with God in your life, enabling His remarkable power to manifest unexpectedly at any given moment. Maintain a perpetual attitude of anticipation, allowing space for God to intervene according to His own discretion.