A Metaphorical Representation of Hope
Genesis 9:13
Human beings are intended by God to establish a harmonious connection with Him, and His covenants are specifically designed to facilitate this objective. Why does God not save me? He has achieved and ensured my deliverance, but I have not yet established a connection with Him. Why does God not fulfill all of our requests? He has accomplished it. Will I enter into that covenant relationship? The abundant divine blessings are fully accomplished and perfected, yet they remain unattainable to me unless I establish a connection with God through His covenant.
Passively anticipating divine intervention is a manifestation of disbelief rooted in worldly desires. This indicates that I lack belief or trust in Him. I anticipate His intervention within me in order to cultivate trust in His actions. However, God will not take action in this regard, as it does not align with the fundamental principles of the divine-human connection. In order to establish a covenant with God, man must transcend his physical body and emotions, just as God transcends Himself by extending His covenant to man. It pertains to the belief in God, which is an uncommon occurrence. We solely place our trust in our emotions. I withhold my belief in God until I am presented with a concrete object that I can physically hold, so confirming its existence. Subsequently, I express my conviction by stating, "I now believe." There is a lack of demonstrated faith in that. God instructs individuals to direct their attention towards Him in order to achieve salvation. The reference is Isaiah 45:22.
When I have truly engaged in a commercial transaction with God based on His promise, disregarding all other matters, there is no feeling of personal accomplishment— no human element involved whatsoever. However, what I experience is a profound and all-encompassing feeling of being united with God, which profoundly changes my life and emanates tranquility and happiness.