Enhanced Vision
Acts 26:17-18
This verse epitomizes the authentic core of the teachings of a follower of Jesus Christ in the entire New Testament.
The initial act of divine sovereignty is encapsulated in the phrase, "...so that they may obtain absolution from transgressions..." When an individual experiences failure in their personal Christian life, it is typically due to a lack of receiving any form of support or guidance. The sole indication of an individual's salvation is their reception of a gift from Jesus Christ. Our duty as servants of God is to enlighten individuals, enabling them to transition from a state of darkness to one of illumination. However, it is important to clarify that what is being referred to is not salvation, but rather conversion - a process that requires the active participation of an individual who has become aware of their own existence. I believe it is not an exaggeration to remark that the majority of those who identify as Christians exhibit such behavior. Although their eyes are open, they have not gotten anything. Conversion and regeneration are distinct processes. This point is often overlooked in our current preaching practices. Upon experiencing rebirth, an individual recognizes that it is solely due to the bestowal of a divine gift from the Almighty, rather than being a result of their own volition. Individuals may express vows and commitments, demonstrating strong resolve to adhere to them, although it is crucial to note that these actions alone do not constitute salvation. Salvation refers to the state in which we are capable of receiving something from God, specifically, the remission of sins, based on the authority of Jesus Christ.
Subsequently, God's second profound act of divine favor is the bestowal of "...an inheritance among those who are sanctified...". During the process of sanctification, the individual who has experienced spiritual rebirth consciously relinquishes their personal autonomy to Jesus Christ, fully aligning themselves with God's mission to serve others.