Messianic Ministries

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God’s Complete Submission To Us

St John 3:16

Salvation encompasses more than only being freed from sin or achieving personal holiness. God's salvation entails complete liberation from oneself and entering into a flawless connection with Him. When I reflect on my salvation experience, I recall being freed from sin and attaining personal holiness. Salvation encompasses much more than that! It signifies that the Spirit of God has connected me intimately with the actual essence of God. When I fully surrender to God, I am filled with excitement for something far larger than myself.

Stating that our duty is to preach holiness or sanctification overlooks the primary focus. We are summoned to declare Jesus Christ (see to 1 Corinthians 2:2). His ability to redeem us from sin and sanctify us is a direct result of His complete and remarkable dedication to us.

True surrender entails being unaware of our own efforts to maintain it. We will devote our entire lives to the One we surrender to. Be cautious when discussing surrender if you lack knowledge about it. Understanding John 3:16 reveals that God fully and unconditionally gave Himself to us. When surrendering, we should offer ourselves to God completely, unreservedly, and without holding back, just as He did for us. We shall be so engrossed with Him that the implications and circumstances of our submission will not even cross our minds.