Messianic Ministries

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Complete Submission

Mark 10:28

Our Lord responds to Peter's comment by indicating that this surrender is "for My sake and the gospel's" (Mark 10:29). The disciples did not participate for their own benefit. Be cautious of giving up driven by potential personal gains. For instance, "I will dedicate myself to God to be freed from sin and to attain holiness." Deliverance from sin and holiness stem from being in alignment with God, but the surrender that follows is not the essence of Christianity. We should not submit with the intention of gaining any personal benefit. We have grown so egocentric that we only seek God for what we can receive from Him, rather than seeking God for His own being. It is like to rejecting the Lord and choosing oneself instead. I desire for You to purify me and imbue me with Your Holy Spirit. I desire to be showcased as an example of what God has accomplished in my life. Attaining salvation, achieving freedom from sin, and becoming valuable to God should not even be a thought when it comes to true surrender. True complete surrender is an individual's ultimate choice for Jesus Christ alone.

Where does Jesus Christ fit in when we are concerned about our natural relationships? Many of us would abandon Him using this justification— "I heard you summon me, Lord, but my family requires my attention and I have my own pursuits." I am unable to proceed any longer" (refer to Luke 9:57-62). Jesus states that if you do not give up all to follow him, you cannot be his follower (refer to Luke 14:26-33).

Authentic surrender will consistently surpass mere natural affection. If we yield, God will embrace people around us and fulfill their needs that arose from our surrender. Be cautious of not fully surrendering to God. Many of us have a conceptual understanding of this, but have not actually encountered it firsthand.